The Netherlands Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Association (NOCDA) is a scientific study investigating the development and course of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). The aim of the study is to identify the numerous factors that can contribute to the development and course of OCD, such as biological determinants, clinical characteristics, social demographics, life events, and occupational functioning. We expect that the results of this study will add to our understanding of the disorder and consequently, will result in more effective treatment.


Nieuw: Covid onderzoek

April 14th, 2020|0 Comments

Het coronavirus zorgt op dit moment voor veel onzekerheid. Er komt elke dag veel informatie op ons af. Er zijn grote veranderingen in het dagelijks leven die voor onrust zorgen. Maar deze periode geeft ons [...]

Predictors of remission at 1-year follow-up among ocd patients: Findings from The Netherlands obsessive-compulsive disorder association (NOCDA) study

December 1st, 2017|0 Comments

April 2017 - Predictors of remission at 1-year follow-up among ocd patients: Findings from The Netherlands obsessive-compulsive disorder association (NOCDA) study

The impact of poor insight on the course of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in patients receiving naturalistic treatment

December 1st, 2017|0 Comments

April 2017 - The impact of poor insight on the course of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in patients receiving naturalistic treatment

The long-term association of OCD and depression and its moderators: A four-year follow up study in a large clinical sample

December 1st, 2017|0 Comments

Juli 2017 - The long-term association of OCD and depression and its moderators: A four-year follow up study in a large clinical sample
